ouin sé cool mé i devrais arivé dautre chose jtrouve sé trop court
its cool but it too short and it need more thing
coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcooolcoolcoolcool coolcoolcoll
ouin sé cool mé i devrais arivé dautre chose jtrouve sé trop court
its cool but it too short and it need more thing
coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcooolcoolcoolcool coolcoolcoll
well, on the cow easter egg i cant understand wath he say but i understand wehn he say "a cow do mmoooo!!"
anyway good song and...good!
Keep up the good work!
hhuumm... and the sun ester egg... well... hhuummm...... OOOOMMMGGG!!! X(
well, good!
good job but... train for the drawing and you should do a menu with stupid thing in it (like funny extra)
good job and continue the good work ! ;)
not scary!
it was not scary because you put a cat and cat is cute (not sphynx but nvm)
you should put a real screamer not cat!
good effort i put 2 and 4 so better get a screamer!
you should add some sound (sure you need to know how)
and its to short,but you could put like, well, sound (lol)
666! were doom!
The channel 666 was really funny!
WOW! (not W.O.W.)
well, good music. if you dont make music to this animation it suck(because its a song animation)(lol)(dont vote my review uselless plz)
why it is blank? did you pick the wrong file or something?
That was just... pure crap... no really... What's the point? why? c'mon... im sure you can do something fine... stop spamming the portal... plz. -.-
Joined on 4/17/08